Top  Large Language Models(LLMs)   202
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15 Jan, 2024 Simon AI

Top Large Language Models(LLMs) 2024


Welcome to the evolving universe of large language models (LLMs)! As we venture further into 2024, the landscape of artificial intelligence is bustling with innovation and practical applications that are truly transforming the way we interact with technology. For the uninitiated and tech-enthusiasts alike, LLMs are cutting-edge AI tools designed to understand, generate, and work with human language in a way that's both intuitive and insightful. But with so many options out there, one might wonder, "Which LLMs rank among the top in their field, and how can I harness their capabilities effectively?"

This guide is all about demystifying the top LLMs of the year and providing you with a user-friendly roadmap to utilizing these powerful platforms. Whether you're looking to enhance your business operations, streamline content creation, or simply indulge your curiosity in AI, understanding LLMs and their functions is the first step towards leveraging the full potential of these sophisticated technologies. So let's dive in and explore the digital frontiers of language and learning made possible by the top LLMs of 2024!

What is large language model (LLM)?

Large Language Models (LLMs) are types of artificial intelligence models that are designed to understand, generate, and manipulate human language. They are called 'large' because they are trained on vast amounts of text data often billions of words or more. This substantial training dataset allows them to develop an understanding of the nuances, contexts, and intricacies of language.

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  1. Mistral 7B Instruct (beta)
     Goliath 120B

    Prepare to be amazed as I introduce you to Mistral 7B, our advanced AI model, through an interactive demo powered by IQchat. This demo isn't just some tech showcase; it's your chance to harness AI's power for yourself!

  2. Hugging Face: Zephyr 7B (beta)

    Hugging Face: Zephyr 7B (beta) is a large language model (LLM) designed to be a helpful assistant. It's currently under development and prone to issues, but shows promise for tasks like question answering and creative writing. Be cautious and use it for research purposes only.

  3. Toppy M 7B (beta)

    Toppy M 7B (beta) is a massive, experimental, open-source language model with 7 billion parameters. It combines several other models to perform various tasks like writing creatively, translating languages, and answering questions. It's still under development but holds potential for diverse AI applications.

  4. Nous: Hermes 13B (beta)

    Nous Hermes 13B is a cutting-edge language model designed to assist with creative writing, engaging conversation, and immersive role-playing. It excels at crafting stories, poems, scripts, and lyrics, fostering natural dialogues, and enriching role-playing experiences with detailed characters and dynamic responses.

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  5. Meta: CodeLlama 34B Instruct (beta)

    Meta has unleashed a beast upon the coding world – CodeLlama 34B Instruct (beta). This behemoth, trained on a colossal dataset of code and natural language, promises to revolutionize the way we write, understand, and interact with programs.

  6. Phind: CodeLlama 34B v2 (beta)
    Phind: CodeLlama 34B v2 (beta)

    Ready to ditch coding roadblocks and embrace programming fluency? Enter Phind: CodeLlama 34B v2 (beta), the groundbreaking AI assistant that revolutionizes your coding journey.

  7. Meta: Llama v2 13B Chat (beta)
    Meta: CodeLlama 34B Instruct (beta)

    This 13 billion-parameter powerhouse excels in everything conversation and creation. Whether you're yearning for engaging chats, seeking a muse for your next artistic masterpiece, or simply craving new avenues for intellectual exploration, Llama v2 13B is your AI companion.

  8. Goliath 120B (beta)
     Goliath 120B

    Exploring the boundaries of AI-personalized interaction has never been as exciting as with Goliath 120B on your IQChat App. This highly advanced language model brings a new depth to the table, capable of creative thinking, real-time problem-solving, and much more. In this extensive guide, we'll explore various prompts that utilize Goliath 120B's vast capabilities to their full potential.

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  9. lzlv 70B (beta)

    lzlv 70B (beta) is a powerful large language model, crafted by merging multiple 70B models trained on the LLaMA2 dataset. It aims to excel in both creative and intelligent tasks, making it ideal for roleplaying, storytelling, and other imaginative endeavors.

  10. OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo

    OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo is a lightning-fast AI language model, excelling at generating creative text formats and completing tasks with increased accuracy and efficiency, all while handling double the content length compared to previous models.

  11. OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k (preview)

    OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k (preview) is a new, experimental, and powerful text generation model, built upon the core GPT-3.5 with a larger input context (16,000 tokens) for potentially richer and more informed responses, but still under development with limited access and potential for unexpected outputs.

  12. OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo (preview) Large Language Models (LLMs) are types of artificial intelligence models that are designed to understand, generate, and manipulate human language. They are called 'large' because they are trained on vast amounts of text data often billions of words or more. This substantial training dataset allows them to develop an understanding of the nuances, contexts, and intricacies of language.
  13. OpenAI: GPT-4

    OpenAI's GPT-4 is a cutting-edge AI model that excels at weaving diverse, human-quality text and understands humor, images, and complex topics. While still under development, it performs at or near human levels on various benchmarks, blurring the lines between AI and human capabilities.

  14. OpenAI: GPT-4 32k

    OpenAI GPT-4 32k is a cutting-edge AI model that processes and generates text, showcasing enhanced ability to comprehend and respond to complex prompts and questions. It boasts a larger context window and improved reasoning capabilities compared to its predecessors.

  15. OpenAI: GPT-4 Vision (preview)
     gpt-4 vision

    Are you tired of language models stuck in the realm of text? Enter GPT-4 Vision (preview), OpenAI's groundbreaking model that unlocks the power of sight for AI. This isn't just text processing anymore; it's about understanding the world visually.

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  16. OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo Instruct

    The instruct model is much more terse and concise, it just does what it is instructed to do. gpt-3.5-turbo is chatty, it will talk to you beyond what is asked.

  17. Google: PaLM 2 Chat
     Google Palm 2

    The PaLM 2 for Chat (chat-bison) foundation model is a large language model (LLM) that excels at language understanding, language generation, and conversations. This chat model is fine-tuned to conduct natural multi-turn conversations, and is ideal for text tasks about code that require back-and-forth interactions.

  18. Google: PaLM 2 Code Chat

    Developing code can be fun, but it can also be challenging, especially when you have to write complex code or debug issues. There's always room for assistance, and that's where PaLM 2 Bison Chat comes in. PaLM 2 Bison Chat

     Google Palm 2 code
  19. Google: PaLM 2 Chat 32k
     Google Palm 2
    Google PaLM 2 Bison Code Chat 32k: Bridging the Gap Between Code and Conversation
  20. Meta: Llama v2 70B Chat (beta)
     gpt-4 vision

    Meta: Llama v2 Chat is an advanced large language model chatbot specifically designed to handle an extensive range of tasks. This AI-powered tool is trained on colossal datasets of text and code, making it proficient in generating text, translating languages, crafting creative content, and providing informative answers to your inquiries. Given its capabilities, Meta: Llama v2 Chat is the perfect AI companion to enhance various aspects of your life.

  21. Nous: Hermes 70B (beta)
     Nous: Hermes 70B

    Get ready to unlock the potential of cutting-edge AI. Buckle up, for we're embarking on a journey through the capabilities of Nous: Hermes 70B, a 70-billion-parameter language model poised to revolutionize your creative and communicative experiences.

  22. Nous: Capybara 34B (beta)
     Nous: Capybara 34B

    Nous Capybara 34B beta, isn't your average AI assistant. It's a digital artist, a wordsmith extraordinaire, and a role-playing enthusiast all rolled into one fuzzy, semi-aquatic package. This model excels at:

  23. Airoboros 70B (beta)
    Airoboros 70B

    Airoboros 70b Beta isn't just another language model; it's a Swiss army knife of linguistic prowess. With its immense capability, it excels in a multitude of domains:

  24. Synthia 70B (beta)
    Synthia 70B

    Synthia 70B Beta isn't just another AI assistant. It's a powerhouse of possibilities, equipped to handle a diverse range of tasks with unparalleled eloquence and understanding. Whether you're a seasoned writer seeking fresh inspiration, a curious conversationalist exploring new ideas, or an avid role-player yearning for immersive experiences, Synthia 70B Beta is your ideal companion.

  25. Mistral OpenOrca 7B (beta)

    Mistral OpenOrca 7B is not confined to sterile lines of code; it's a lyrical artisan, a master weaver of words. Whether you're battling writer's block, seeking engaging dialogues, or yearning for immersive role-playing experiences, Mistral OpenOrca stands as your ultimate creative partner.

  26. OpenHermes Mistral 7B (beta)

    OpenHermes 2 is much more than just a chatbot. It's a linguistic virtuoso, a master storyteller, and a conversation alchemist. Whether you're a writer battling writer's block, a conversationalist seeking engaging dialogue, or a gamer yearning for immersive role-playing experiences, OpenHermes 2 stands as your ultimate creative companion.

  27. OpenHermes Mistral 7B 2.5 (beta)

    Step into the realm of possibilities where language transforms into a portal for expression, connection, and endless exploration. Enter the world of OpenHermes 2.5 Mistral 7B, a state-of-the-art AI language model brimming with potential. Prepare to be astonished by its versatility and depth, as it becomes your bridge to unlock new avenues of communication and ignite your creative spark.

  28. Pygmalion: Mythalion 13B (beta)

    Mythalion 13B is a language generation powerhouse. Whether it's spinning tales, chatting on a range of topics, or helping you role-play, this AI has a knack for it all.

  29. ReMM SLERP 13B (beta)
    ReMM SLERP 13B (beta)

    Dive into a surreal realm of AI creativity with ReMM SLERP 13B (beta), the language model that bends reality to your imagination. Unleash your inner artist, craft captivating stories, and explore uncharted possibilities in this groundbreaking text generation tool.

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  30. Xwin 70B (beta)
    Xwin 70B (beta)

    Dive into a surreal realm of AI creativity with ReMM SLERP 13B (beta), the language model that bends reality to your imagination. Unleash your inner artist, craft captivating stories, and explore uncharted possibilities in this groundbreaking text generation tool.

  31. Anthropic: Claude v2.1

    Dive into the future of factual creation and insightful conversation with Anthropic's Claude v2.1, a groundbreaking AI language model that pushes the boundaries of what's possible. Whether you're a writer battling writer's block, a researcher seeking deeper understanding, or simply curious about the potential of AI, Claude v2.1 is your passport to a world of enhanced creativity and knowledge.

  32. Anthropic: Claude v2.0

    The landscape of artificial intelligence is constantly shifting, and with each step forward, we inch closer to a future where the boundaries between human and machine creativity blur. Among the rising stars in this domain shines Anthropic's Claude v2.0, a language model poised to revolutionize the way we create, communicate, and even explore the possibilities of consciousness itself.

  33. Anthropic: Claude Instant v1 Anthropic: Claude Instant v1 - Unveiling a Playground of Possibilities
  34. Mancer: Weaver (alpha)
    Mancer: Weaver (alpha) logo
  35. MythoMax 13B

    MythoMax 13B transcends the confines of a mere language model, transforming into your loyal companion for:


As we look to the future, the potential of LLMs to transform industries is undeniable. However, understanding their limitations and the importance of human oversight in critical decision-making remains paramount. Whether you are a seasoned tech professional or a curious newcomer, now is an exciting time to explore and leverage the capabilities of these advanced AI models.
In conclusion, the top LLMs of 2024 offer a powerful toolkit for innovation and efficiency. By understanding their functions and learning to use them ethically and responsibly, we open up a world of possibilities that can enrich virtually every aspect of our digital lives. The key is to approach them with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to leveraging AI for the greater good.


  1. What are the top LLMs in 2024?

    Large language models (LLMs) are AI-powered models that can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. They are becoming increasingly important in a variety of industries, including healthcare, education, and customer service.

  2. How can I use LLMs?

    There are a number of ways to use LLMs. Some LLMs are available through cloud-based APIs, while others are open-source and can be downloaded and run on your own computer. You can also use LLMs through a variety of pre-built applications, such as chatbots and virtual assistants.
    The easiest way to use LLMs is through the IQChat app. IQChat is a mobile app that gives you access to a variety of LLMs, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5, PaLM 2, Claude v1, and Cohere. With IQChat, you can use LLMs to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.
  3. What is the difference between GPT-4 and GPT-3.5? GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 are both large language models from OpenAI, but GPT-4 is more powerful and capable. GPT-4 can generate more realistic and creative text formats, as well as translate languages and answer questions in a more informative way.
  4. Which is the best LLM? There is no single "best" LLM, as the best model for a particular task will depend on the specific requirements of that task. However, some of the most popular and well-regarded LLMs include GPT-4, GPT-3.5, PaLM 2, Claude v1, and Cohere.

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