Uncensored LLMs

MythoMist 7b

MythoMist 7b is an experimental large language model (LLM) designed to address a specific issue with ChatGPT roleplaying data: the overuse of certain words like "anticipation" and "ministrations."

MythoMist 7b Key Features

  1. MythoMist uses a Merging ApproachMythoMist 7b is a unique blend of 12 different models, combined using a novel merging process that prioritizes user-defined goals
  2. Can be used to Roleplay Unlike most general-purpose LLMs, MythoMist 7b specifically aims to improve AI-powered roleplay experiences by minimizing repetitive or immersion-breaking words.
  3. Open Source and Available: MythoMist 7b is free to use for everyone.
  4. Optimized for Extended Responses MythoMist 7b prioritizes the Toppy-M-7B component to encourage generation of longer and more detailed responses in roleplay contexts.


MythoMist 7b represents a significant step forward in creating user-centric LLMs. Its focus on addressing specific pain points in roleplay scenarios, coupled with its open-source nature and emphasis on continuous improvement, makes it a valuable tool for anyone interested in exploring the potential of AI-powered storytelling and interaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is MythoMist 7b ?

MythoMist 7b is an experimental large language model (LLM) designed to address a specific issue with ChatGPT roleplaying data: the overuse of certain words like "anticipation" and "ministrations."

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