Janitor AI vs. Silly Tavern
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Janitor AI vs. Silly Tavern

08 Jan, 2024 Simon AI

Choosing the Best Storytelling Platform: Janitor AI vs. Silly Tavern

Large language models (LLMs), also called AI chatbots, are rapidly becoming a popular way to engage in conversation and explore creative possibilities. But with so many platforms available, choosing the right one can be tricky. In this article, we'll delve into two popular options: Janitor AI's and Silly Tavern, comparing their strengths and weaknesses to help you decide which one suits your needs best.

Do you love telling stories? Now you can create your own adventures with platforms like Janitor AI and Silly Tavern. But which one is better? Let's find out!

Clean vs. Cheeky: Right off the bat, the platforms' approaches differ significantly. Janitor AI embraces a playfully resque and potentially NSFW (Not Safe For Work) atmosphere. This can be liberating for users seeking unfiltered conversations, but it also comes with the risk of encountering offensive content. On the other hand, Silly Tavern prioritizes a lighthearted and generally safe environment, making it a better choice for those who prefer to avoid mature themes.

What is Janitor AI?

Janitor AI is a powerful tool that helps you create amazing stories. With this platform, you can build your own world and characters. You can even control the story, adding new twists and turns. Plus, you can use its API to make your own AI storytelling friend!

Silly Tavern: A Fun Place to Tell Stories

Silly Tavern is another great place to tell stories. This platform is all about having fun and working together. You can share your story ideas with others, join ongoing stories, or start your own. And there are lots of fun pictures and characters to help you tell your story.

Janitor AI vs. Silly Tavern in Depth comparison table

Choosing the right interactive storytelling platform boils down to aligning your style with its strengths. Whether you yearn for intricate world-building or revel in the warmth of a collaborative campfire, here's a detailed comparison to illuminate your path


Both platforms cater to budget-conscious users. Janitor AI offers a freemium model, with limited functionalities in the free tier. Upgrading unlocks advanced features. Silly Tavern is primarily free to use, with some features requiring additional setup but without directly paying.

Feature Janitor AI Silly Tavern
AI Model Powerful, complex narratives, nuanced characters Simpler, playful narratives, dynamic interactions
Customization Extensive prompts, detailed character/world design Limited prompts, focus on collaborative storytelling
Community Smaller, focused on technical discussions Large, active, strong collaboration spirit
Interface Text-based with advanced features User-friendly with visual elements and avatars
Learning Curve Steeper, requires familiarity with AI tools Easy to pick up, suitable for all skill levels
Visual Elements Minimal, text-driven experience Illustrations and avatars enhance the narrative
Strengths Ideal for solo adventures, intricate plots, deep character development Perfect for collaborative stories, vibrant community, visual flair
Weaknesses Less emphasis on community, user interface complexity Limited control over individual narratives, potential technical glitches
Pricing Free trial, tiered subscription plans Free, premium features available
Best for Storytellers who crave control, complex narratives, and technical tinkering Narrative enthusiasts who enjoy collaboration, lively interactions, and visual storytelling

So, Which One Should You Choose?

If you like being in control and making your own world, Janitor AI is a great choice. But if you enjoy working with others and sharing your ideas, Silly Tavern might be better for you.

Remember, both of these platforms are fun and exciting ways to tell stories. So, go ahead and try them both! Who knows, maybe you'll find your new favorite hobby!

This blog article compares Janitor AI and Silly Tavern, two storytelling platforms. It highlights their features and benefits, catering to different storytelling styles and preferences. This approach encourages exploration and invites the reader to discover their own ideal narrative playground.


  1. Can I use Janitor AI for free?

    Yes, Janitor AI is free to use with the web-based platform or a free API key from Kobold AI.

  2. How do I use Janitor AI without an API key?

    Janitor AI can be used in a few different ways without an API key. The web-based platform, a reverse proxy service, or a free API key from Kobold AI are all options.

  3. What are the limitations of using Janitor AI without an API key?

    You will only have a few functionalities available if you utilise Janitor AI without an API key. You won't be able to make advantage of all of the chatbot's features, including text generation, language translation, and producing various sorts of creative content.

  4. How do I get a free API key from Kobold AI?

    You must register for a Kobold AI account and validate your email address in order to receive a free API key. You can visit the Kobold AI website after creating an account and ask for a free API key there.

  5. How do I set up a reverse proxy service?

    A server known as a reverse proxy service is placed between your computer and Janitor AI. Your queries are forwarded to Janitor AI, which then returns the results . It can be a little trickier to set up, but it enables you to use Janitor AI without an API key.

  6. What are the benefits of using Janitor AI without OpenAI?

    Using Janitor AI without OpenAI has a few advantages. First off, using it is free. Second, there is no annual or monthly subscription charge. Third, setting it up is simple.

  7. Who should use Silly Tavern?
    Silly Tavern is a good choice for users who:
    • Enjoy collaborative storytelling and interacting with others.
    • Prefer a safe and lighthearted environment.
    • Want a user-friendly interface with visual elements.
  8. Are there any other similar platforms?
    Yes, several other platforms offer AI-powered storytelling experiences, each with unique features and functionalities. Exploring these alternatives may also be beneficial.
  9. Can I use both platforms?
    Absolutely! Trying both Janitor AI and Silly Tavern can help you discover which one better suits your storytelling style and preferences.
  10. Where can I learn more about Janitor AI and Silly Tavern?
    Both platforms have their own websites or online communities where you can find detailed information, tutorials, and user reviews.
  11. Is content created on these platforms safe for children?
    Silly Tavern's focus on a safe environment makes it more suitable for children. However, it's always recommended to exercise caution and supervise children when engaging with any online platform.

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