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Character AI Example Messages

06 August, 2023 Simon AI
How to Train Your AI to Create Realistic Conversations

With the help of character AI, it is possible to develop believable and interesting discussions with imaginary characters. Character AI needs to be trained with a variety of example messages, though, in order to produce the best potential responses.

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How write good example messages for Character AI

in order for Character AI to generate the best possible responses, it needs to be trained with a variety of example messages.

  1. Use natural language. Utilise everyday language. Avoid employing jargon or technical terminology that Character AI might not comprehend. For instance, you may state "My character is a programmer who writes code for computers" rather than "My character is a software engineer."
  2. Be creative. Don't be hesitant to try out various writing methods and styles. Character AI will be more engaging to interact with the more imaginative you are. You may, for instance, compose a poem or a song about your character or write a dialogue between that character and another.
  3. Be consistent. Verify that the examples you use correspond to the details you've given us about your character. If your character is bashful, for instance, avoid having them give speeches in front of huge crowds.
  4. Be specific.

Character AI Keeps Repeating Words? Here's How to Fix It

Character ai example messages template

In order to keep your thoughts and ideas about your character organised and your example messages consistent with one another, you might find it useful to use a character AI example messages template. You can use the following basic model:

Here is a basic Character ai template that you can use:

  1. Character Name: The name of your character.
  2. Personality Traits: A list of your character's personality traits, such as kind, funny, shy, or adventurous.
  3. Backstory: A brief summary of your character's backstory, such as where they grew up, what their family is like, and what their goals are.
  4. Goals: What your character wants to achieve in life.
  5. Flaws: Your character's weaknesses or flaws.
  6. Strengths: Your character's strengths or positive qualities.
  7. Dialogue: xamples of dialogue that your character might use in different situations.

  Character AI insert example message

The following is an example of a character AI example messages template for a character named Alice!!! :

  1. Character Name: Alice
  2. Personality Traits: Kind, intelligent, creative, shy
  3. Backstory:Grew up in a small town, always felt like the odd one out, loves science and engineering, went to college and excelled in her studies, got a job at a large tech company where she is working on her dream project
  4. Goals: Make a difference in the world through her work, develop new technologies that can help people, mentor young women and encourage them to pursue careers in STEM
  5. Flaws: Shy, can be afraid to speak up in groups, overthinks things
  6. Strengths: Intelligent, creative, passionate, hardworking, determined
  7. Dialogue: "I'm so excited about this new project! I think it has the potential to really make a difference in the world." "Thanks! I'm really passionate about this work, and I'm determined to make it a success." "I know I can be shy sometimes, but I'm really working on it. I want to be able to speak up more and share my ideas with others."

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Embarking on a roleplaying adventure with character AI is an exciting endeavor. Here's how you can get started:

Character ai example message template

Character Name: Alice
Personality Traits: Kind, intelligent, creative, shy
Backstory:Grew up in a small town, always felt like the odd one out, loves science and engineering, went to college and excelled in her studies, got a job at a large tech company where she is working on her dream project
Goals: Make a difference in the world through her work, develop new technologies that can help people, mentor young women and encourage them to pursue careers in STEM
Flaws: Shy, can be afraid to speak up in groups, overthinks things
Strengths: Intelligent, creative, passionate, hardworking, determined
Dialogue: "I'm so excited about this new project! I think it has the potential to really make a difference in the world." "Thanks! I'm really passionate about this work, and I'm determined to make it a success." "I know I can be shy sometimes, but I'm really working on it. I want to be able to speak up more and share my ideas with others."

This is only one illustration of a template for a character AI sample message. Character AI will be able to learn more about your character and produce more realistic replies the more details you provide. So have fun and be creative! Your character AI will become more engaging to interact with as you experiment more.


If you've done everything and Character AI is still repeating words, you can contact the Character AI support staff for assistance. They may be able to offer more help or suggestions.

It should be noted that Character AI is currently in development and is far from ideal. It is likely that Character AI will occasionally repeat words or phrases. However, the suggestions above should assist to lessen the occurrence of this problem.


  1. Why does Character AI repeat words?

    Character AI is not yet flawless and is currently being developed. Character AI may occasionally repeat words or phrases, especially if it is not provided enough information to produce a fresh answer. Additionally, if Character AI is attempting to be helpful and convey the same information in several ways, it might repeat words.

  2. How can I fix Character AI repeating words?

    There are a few things you can do to try to fix Character AI repeating words: you will need to follow those steps above

  3. What should I do if Character AI is still repeating words after trying these tips?

    If you have tried all of the tips above and Character AI is still repeating words, you can contact the Character AI support team for help. They may be able to provide additional assistance or suggestions.

  4. Is there anything I can do to prevent Character AI from repeating words in the future?

    You can attempt the following methods to try and stop Character AI from repeating words in the future:
    Give prompts that are precise and brief. Character AI will be better able to come up with fresh responses the more details you provide.
    Be tolerant. Since character AI is still in development, it can take some time for it to figure out how to produce various replies.
    Provide criticism. You can let the creators know if you observe that
    Character AI is repeating words. By doing so, they can enhance the AI and lessen the likelihood that it will ever repeat words.

  5. What are the limitations of Character AI?

    Although powerful, character AI is still being developed. Before using AI, it's critical to understand its constraints. Character AI has some drawbacks, including:
    The response time can be lengthy.
    Words or phrases might be repeated.
    It can be unable to comprehend intricate requirements.
    It might not always be able to produce responses that are correct or suitable.
    Despite these drawbacks, Character AI has the potential to be a useful tool for developing interesting and realistic discussions with fictitious characters.

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